Palouse Prairie
Field Guide
An Introductory Guide to
Native Plants, Agricultural Crops
and Invasive Weeds
for the Curious.
Retail price - $23.95
Available locally at:
Book People of Moscow- Moscow, ID
4-Star Supply- Pullman, WA
Hyper Spud-Moscow, ID
Spence Hardware- Moscow, ID
Blue Lantern Coffee House- Lewiston, ID
Auntie’s Bookstore, Spokane, WA
Rose Creek Seed, Pullman, WA
Available online:
Rose Creek Seed - www.rosecreekseed.com
Plants of the Wild- www.plantsofthewild.com
Written By
Dave M. Skinner,
Jacie W. Jensen and Gerry Queener
Designed to assist landowners and plant enthusiasts identify native plants found in the Inland Northwest prairie regions of Idaho, Washington, Oregon and Montana. The guide also includes agricultural crops and invasive weeds to increase an awareness and appreciation for the land among readers.
Photograph by Alison Meyer
The field guide uses introductory language and is organized first by color of the plants, second by family name and thirdly by common name. Scientific names are introduced with phonetic spellings. The guide is complete with photographs courtesy of various contributors and illustrations by young local artist Julianne Bledsoe, and is compact and practical in size and structure.
Photograph by Matthew Dolkas